Staycation at Mason Pine Hotel, Kota Baru Parahyangan

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Hi there, I'd tell you a story about the water crisis that happened at my home and how I spent a night at Mason Pine Hotel, Kota Baru Parahyangan, Bandung.

Water Crisis At Home
What makes you feel more depressed: power went off or water run dry?
I'd choose water for sure, because when the power went off but we already have enough clean water supply to survive, everything is gonna be okay.

For your information, in our village and district, we do not use water supply from the Regional Water Utility Company (or PDAM in Bahasa) but drill the ground to find the water source. For the past 4 years, everything went well: our water is clean and safe for daily usage. However, things went south since a week ago. Our clean water turned dirty and smelly liquid.

Lucky us, we could escape from reality (the fact that our clean water supply is horrible) for 5 days straight:
  • I went to Yogyakarta on Monday and Tuesday, then
  • My husband became a trainer in Zest Hotel on Wednesday until Friday. I, as his wife and also his personal assistant, also moved to Zest Hotel with my husband for two days.
But the worst thing just happened a day before: the water completely runs out when my husband was away from home. I can't even flush my toilet when I poo or pee or clean up my dirty house. Sounds horrible enough? LOL

I texted my husband in a hurry to ask for help around 5.30 pm. In the middle of his busy schedule, he managed to reply to my messages and tried to find the solution for his desperate wife. We don't have a specific alternative to our problem until a few hours later. Apparently, there is an empty room in the hotel, where my husband stayed, given to us out of pity. Guess what, my husband told me about it at 9.20 pm!

I was surprised and excited!!

I prepared everything in less than 10 minutes and booked online transportation afterward. Around 9.45 pm, I safely arrived at Mason Pine Hotel, Kota Baru Parahyangan, met my husband to take the key room and went straight to the room on the 4th floor.

Mason Pine Hotel, Kota Baru Parahyangan

This hotel has two lobby: the old lobby and the new one. You have to walk from one lobby to another for 1 minute (will be more if you walk slowly while admiring the hotel's interior design. I'm not joking, this hotel is well designed. I can't help my self but love every detail in this hotel, that was why I spent a few minutes to pass through the hall, LOL.

THE ROOM and Facilities

I stayed in room number 405. This Twin Deluxe Room with 36 m2 has a balcony, flat-screen TV and air conditioning.


Other Facilities:
  • Spacious wardrobe on the left side as we entered the room
  • Safe-deposit box inside the wardrobe
  • Telephone
  • refrigerator
  • 2 pairs of sandal
  • Green colored reading chair with a wooden table
  • Dressing table that we can use to work
  • The bathroom is on the right side of the room, the opposite of the wardrobe that I mentioned before.

The Facilities inside the bathroom are:
  • Luxury and wide sink,
  • cold and hot water included
  • hairdryer
  • complete amenities: soap, conditioning shampoo, cotton bud, sanitary bag, toothbrush and paste
  • Toilet dan toilet paper
  • telephone. Yes, there is a telephone in the bathroom. I don't know the reason why though
  • hot and cold Shower
  • a pair of towel

Complaint and How They Handle It

Hotel is a business focus on customer service, so the best hotel is one can handle every complaint from its customer in a proper way. My room was very warm (almost hot) and I found room temperature is 27 Celcius. I quickly called housekeeping and explain the issue. I waited with my balcony door widely open to air my room for 10 minutes but no one came.
the balcony door i mentioned, but i didn't have a chance to take a photo when it was opened

I called the housekeeping for the second time, but the line was busy. I called the receptionist instead, but no one picked up. then I called the housekeeping for the last time, a woman answered and I tell her about my complaint and wait again in my room.

A few minutes passed... finally a technician came and checked the air conditioning. The "inspection" is done in less than 3 minutes and ya.. finally I could feel the cold breeze in my room.

After I took a shower and watch some youtube channels, I slept very well until my phone's alarm goes off at 4 am. I wake up just to move to my husband's bed. A little cuddle in the morning will boost your mood all day, won't it? :p

Breakfast at Hotel

I ate breakfast around 7 am without taking a morning shower. Breakfast is on the 1st floor, a lot of people had been there when I arrived. There are many kinds of food served in the restaurant: white bread, cupcake, pudding, cereal, green bean and black sticky rice porridge, chicken porridge, kupat tahu Padalarang (traditional food from west Bandung District), Nasi Liwet (Sundanese traditional food), all kind of salad and sausage, and 5-6 kind of juices.

I took a bowl of choco crunch and cereal with fresh milk and also a chocolate cupcake to wake my soul :D. I continued my breakfast with omelet, beef sausages and orange juices. The interesting thing in Mason Pine, you can enjoy your breakfast time while admiring the view across the hotel.

I spent approximately an hour to enjoy my breakfast before back to my room to take a shower in hope and did some work on my laptop. pssst... I washed my hair two times in the hotel because I'm afraid that the water crisis in my home will last longer than expected, haha.

p.s. sorry, i didn't take many photos when i had a breakfast back then.


I finally checked out of the hotel at 00.20 pm :D. I hope someday I can stay another night at this hotel to explore all the hotel's facilities and area.

Your Travel Buddy
Susie Ncuss
susie ncuss
a Devoted Wife who is addicted to Traveling, Halal Food, and Good Movies.
Click to chat me via whatsapp

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30 komentar

  1. Waduh, kalo air mati tuh beneran syusyaaahh ya Mba
    Ahh, untunglah bisa staycation di hotel yg kece banget ituuu

  2. Kalau ngg ada air tuh nyebeliiin banget yaaa mba. Aku juga pasti lgs cuuus ke hotel

  3. Masalah kekeringan lagi merata ya mbak, disini sumber air juga mulai susah malahnmesin pompa nya malah jadi rusak karena susah tarik air

  4. Senengnya bisa pelarian dari air macet ke hotel ya. Boleh juga nih hotelnya

  5. Nah lhoooo, kok samaan sih Teh. Di rumah aku udah hampir 2 bulan susah air huhuhu. Kemarau kali ini panjang banget yah, aku kadang harus beli air atau minta air ke mesjid atau tetangga lho huhuhu.

    Asyik bener kalo lagi gak ada air gitu bisa Staycation ke Mason Pine di Kota Baru Parahiyangan sih, gak usah ribet menimbun air di gentong hahahaha.

  6. It's a lucky to get this solution in a run-out-of water crisis. Yea I also feel horrible to water crisis. It's worst than blackout.

  7. Tempatnya keliatan nyaman banget ya mbak. Apalagi breakfastnya, maklum Dewi bawa krucil kalau traveling, jadi kalau sarapan pagi mesti jadi tujuan utama, hihihi... ada masakan tradisional dan omelet juga. Mantab betul😍

  8. Tempat 'ngungsi' yang nyaman banget ini namanya.
    Untung komplain cepat tanggap sehingga kamar hotelnya tetap sejuk.

    Semoga krisis air di rumah cepat teratasi ya, mba.

  9. Huah Teteh ngungsinya asik banget ke Mason Pine, baru kemarin aku berenang ke Bumi pancasona lewatin mason dalam hati kek apa roomnya yah eh ada yang review juga hahaha

  10. Udah beberapa kali lewat Mason Pine Hotel dan baru sekarang lihat bagian dalamnya. Bagus juga ya, keliatan nyaman. Sayang sekali gak ada foto makan paginya ya .... Hihihi

  11. Fasilitas hotelnya lumayan banget buat staycation. Dan setuju saat listrik mati, tapi tetap ada air. Air habis, oh no! Aku pernah merasakan itu dan menghemat air hanya buat wudhu, gak mandi, hahaha

  12. Di beberapa wilayah di Bandung memang sedang susah air yaa, teh..
    Tapi baru kali ini aku nemu solusi se-brilian ini, teh...
    Hehhe....stay-cation di hotel.

    It's good idea!

  13. I usually appreciate their efforts to focus on customer service. I agree that the best hotel is one can handle every complaint from its customer in a proper way.

  14. Wow hotelnya terlihat mewah, suka dengan welcome snack dan mug+sendok hijaunya yg imut, amenity kitsnya juga lengkap, jempol deh buat ni hotel :)

  15. Aih hotelnya bagus nih mba. Aku pernah sekali di Kota Baruu Parahyangan dan senang ama suasannya masih bersih sih mba :)

  16. Krisis air alhamdulillah bisa diselesaikan secara sementara dengan berlibur ke hotel Mason Pine. Bagus banget interiort bagian dalamnya. Bisa jadi referensi bagi yang butuh tempat menginap yang nyaman dan pelayanan tanggap.
    Interior dalam kamar cakep, ada suasana hangat dan teduh di dalamnya. Balkon bikin kita leluasa mengamati panorama di luar hotel

  17. Wuah sama mbak kalau air di rumah mampet sedih banget udah akhirnya ya milih minggat dulu deh dari rumah, salah satunya staycation ya...
    Kamarnya lumayan gede dan fasilitasnya cukup oke ya mbak :D
    Bis anih kapan2 nyoba jg nginep sana :D

  18. Wah ini banget nih. Krisis air di rumah bikin keingetan untuk staycation di hotel juga deh. Tapinya kan keluargaku mah rombongan sirkus. Kudu bawa 4 anak. Jadinya riweuh. Solusinya sih, kita semua ngiriiiit air. :))))

  19. Staycationnya keren amat mbak, jadi pengen banget kemari apalagi kamar tidurnya bisa pulas di sini mah hehe.

  20. Really like the kind of room like this
    Sometimes when I go there I try to explore more and more ny myself to get comfort and unpaid moment...

  21. Kalau dilihat kamarnya cukup nyaman banget ya. Btw aku penasaran nih sama menu breakfastnya , ditunggu ya foto-fotonya hehe.

  22. Q pikir tadi krisi air gimana gituh baca dari judulnya 😂, kmklu bca tlisan travel dn ke hotel tuh rasanya pengen terbang lngsng mw juga 😂

  23. Khas batik dan serba ijo. Punya ciri khas tersendiri ini ya mba hotelnya. Bersihh banget cakepp. Englishnya kerenn mbaa

  24. Beberapa kali ke bandung, aku baru lewatin aja.. dan belum pernah staycation disini.. kamarnya besar juga ya.. penting nih buat aku yang sudah punya anak, kamar besar salah satu hal wajib sebelum memilih hotel untuk menginap bersama keluarga

  25. Melihat gambarnya langsung pegen berada di sana. Enak sekali tempatnya. Menawarkan kenyamanan yang maksimal.

  26. oke juga ya mba hotelnya. Wah, nambah 1 referensi hotel untuk staycation nih.

  27. Kemarin waktu liburan belum nemu artikel ini... Hehehe. Next kalau liburan lagi mau coba staycation di sini ah

  28. Tempatnya nyaman sekali, mbak. Aku jadi mau bawa keluarga menginap disana. Kalau ke Kota Baru sering ngelewatin tapi beum sempet coba menginap di sana :)

  29. seru banget sih kak bisa staycation di sana, aku kan jai mupeng banget nih, hehehe

  30. this hotel looks so comfortable and nice. So recommended when I holiday, I will try to stay there because it impossible for me when water crisis have to go there lol


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